What is Activities?
The Activities subcommittee organizes fellowship gatherings that help provide a greater sense of unity and community throughout the Santa Cruz county fellowship. We strive to provide all addicts an opportunity to have fun in recovery within a safe environment while also fulfilling our primary purpose of carrying the NA message. Any member of Narcotics Anonymous may become a member of Activities, there is no clean time requirement.
What does the committee do?
We organize: Picnics, Dances, Speakers Meetings, Pancake breakfasts, & more! We’re always looking for new ideas and people to help staff our events. Recovery can be fun!
Contact the Activities Committee
How do I get involved?
Come to our bi-monthly business meeting the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 6:30PM at:
London Nelson Center
301 Center St., Santa Cruz, CA, 95060
(855) 562-2789 x803
Open service positions
Members at large (general service, no clean time requirement!)
Please read the committee guidelines for service position descriptions and clean time requirements